Preghiera della domenica elettorale
Il sermone pasquale del libertario è di quel simpaticone di Arnold Kling. Lo faccio nostro integralmente.
As we approach Passover in 2010, many people are unemployed. But in a free society, government does not create jobs. Pharoah created jobs for us. Moses led us away from those jobs. Even though those jobs helped to complete public infrastructure. Even though they were green jobs, where we used our muscles and our backs instead of fossil fuels.
Moses could have been part of the ruling class in Egypt. He chose freedom instead. Those of us who followed Moses also chose freedom. Freedom brings risks. But we preferred the risks of freedom to the security of bondage.
Do not confuse government with God. Government cannot miraculously provide us with manna–or health care. When we look at government, we should not see God. We should see Pharoah. Government-worship is Pharoah-worship.
Passover is known as the festival of freedom. To live in the Jerusalem of a free society, we have to leave the Egypt of the reach of government.
Amen, nei secoli dei secoli: la vera preghiera che vorremmo intonata la domenica del voto.